Aligning interests

Aligning interests

“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.”

- Henry Ford

Aligning interests is like a superpower. Proper incentives drive people to act in mutually beneficial ways without burdensome rules or micromanagement. Alignment makes everyone better off by shifting the focus from the individual good to the collective good.

At Run The Day, we pride ourselves on being economically aligned with our customers. There is no up front cost to use the Run The Day platform, so we only make money when our customer’s events make money. This forces us to put our money where our mouth is. We can’t just talk the talk, our product needs to walk the walk.

We believe this makes us better. It keeps us accountable and forces us to constantly improve. It also requires us to be thoughtful about the people, organizations and events who we partner with since we have little to gain from a short term relationship.

Plus, by aligning with races it allows us to grow together and winning is more fun when it is shared.

— Ian

Tech Update: Teams

  • Teams are a great way to grow race participation and exceed fundraising goals.

  • The Nun Run has already raised over $32,000 to fund a wheelchair van for the Sisters of Immaculate Heart of Mary!

  • To help you exceed your donation goal, Run The Day offers:

    • Fundraising leaderboards

    • Team pages with customized photos, fundraising messages and donation goals

    • One click links so participants can text friends, email family and post on social

    • Easy management with a dedicated team dashboard

  • Watch Good Day Philadelphia star Bob Kelly hitch a ride from a Sister ahead of Saturday’s Nun Run.

Run The Day Teams

A great school run


Thank you Chatham Park Elementary School! #5k #school #runtheday

Ian Campbell

Ian Campbell

Keeping communities united, active and strong.