The future of community races

The Future of Community Races

Last Friday, Media continued it’s annual tradition with the 44th running of the Media 5 Mile race. An event that originated in 1980, the tradition has evolved into a cherished celebration that had almost 1,300 finishers this year.

Here I am at the race with Tim, Mike and Ray.

Tim, Ian, Mike and Ray (from left to right)

Media’s 44-year tradition made me think, what will community races be like in 44 years?

Here are my thoughts about community races in the year 2068:

  • Runners will get faster: In 1980 the world record time for a 5K was 13:56. Today, the world record is 12:49. Another 7% improvement would mean that a human runs a sub 12-minute 5K by 2068.

  • Events will be authentically fun: Local communities will include authentic music, food and vibes to create a fun experience that attracts participants.

  • Causes will inspire: Races will continue aligning with causes to inspire participation and raise money for charity.

  • Humans will connect and compete: AI and technology advancements will increase individual workout opportunities, so aspects that are unique to races like human connection and competition will drive participation.

  • Multi-planetary 5ks: If humans are multiplanetary by 2068 then community races could be as well. If that happens, TSP Atacama would be good preparation for future astronaut runners ahead of their 5K on Mars.

Thanks for reading. Have a great weekend!

— Ian

Tech Update: Team Search in Mobile App

  • Team search in Run The Day’s mobile app offers a great way to:

    • Quickly distribute bibs to team captains

    • Streamline race day check-in

    • Reduce lines for bib pickup

  • How to use: 

    1. Download Run The Day in App Store or Google Play.

    2. Navigate to your race

    3. Select ‘view participants and assign bibs’

    4. Search participants by team name

Shoutout to Tammy, team captain of In Memory of Brooke Taverner that has raised over $3,750 for Face Addiction Now ahead of this Sunday’s Run Drugs Out of Town. Nice work Tammy and team!

Search by team in the Run The Day app

Easy race day mobile app


Thanks to everyone who made the Skippack 5k a great race! #run #community #runtheday

Ian Campbell

Ian Campbell

Keeping communities united.