Mobile First

Mobile First

The average person in the United States spends 4 hours and 37 minutes on their phone every day. This seems like a lot, but is only the beginning. The time we spend on phones will increase as smartphone capabilities improve and younger generations become older (Gen Zers spend over 6 daily hours on their phone while baby boomers spend 3.5 hours).

Given how much we stare at our phones, I believe it’s important for Run The Day’s platform to do 2 things:

1 - Put mobile first

2 - Connect people with their community

Here is how we do that:

1 - Put mobile first. While Run The Day has existed for over 20 years, we’ve recently rebuilt our platform to prioritize mobile devices and optimized it for computers. This is different from other platforms that were built for computers then optimized for mobile devices. The difference may seem subtle, but when we use our phones 4.5 hours every day, subtle differences (like sending SMS text messages and uploading photos directly from your phone) become important.

2 - Connect people with their community. The more we use our phones, the more possibility of getting addicted to our screen. Instead of optimizing our platform to keep people scrolling (like social media platforms who want to show more ads to make more money), Run The Day keeps things simple so that communities stay united.

4.5 hours every day seems like we use our phones a lot now, but this is only the beginning.

— Ian

Mobile vs. Desktop

Visits to Run The Day’s platform in 2024 broken out by mobile vs. desktop.

2024 YTD Visits to Run The Day by Mobile vs. Desktop

Apple Pay

2024 payments through Run The Day’s platform broken out by Apple Pay vs. Other.

Run The Day platform payments

Email Marketing for Non-Profits

Dan Oshinsky does a lot with email. He directed newsletters at BuzzFeed and The New Yorker before launching his own email consultancy. When I talked to him about elevating Run The Day’s Rundown Newsletter, I found his insights to be helpful.

Dan recently announced a free email marketing course for non-profits. I have no affiliation with the course, but it seems like something that would be useful to cause-driven organizations.

Tech Update: Teams

We continue to see the power of teams in helping races to attract participants, build community and fundraise. At HEADstrong Foundation’s Race aHEAD of Cancer 5k, Colleen’s Crew raised over $5,000. Nice job to Colleen and all 105 team members. Keep battling breast cancer!

Colleen’s Crew raised over $5,000 for Headstrong Foundation

Thank You Dragon Run!

Race Day Check-in Volunteers at the Dragon Run

Race Help

If you or someone you know previously worked with EnMotive, please let us know if Run The Day can help your race in the future.

EnMotive logo

Ian Campbell

Ian Campbell

Keeping communities united.